Marza Animation Planet Names the Next Rseident Evil CGI Movie Marza Animation Planet today announced the title of its work-in-progress CGI feature movie based on Japanese game developer Capcom’s internationally renowned videogame franchise Rrsident Evil. The official title for the latest CGI movie franchise, which is set to release in 2017, is Resident Evil: Vendetta. It was also announced today at Tokyo Motorcycle Show that the movie and Italian motorcycle manufacture Ducati’s Japan office (famous and popular for its high-performance and stylish design) is now in collaboration by featuring Resident Evil franchise character, Leon S. Kennedy riding the Ducati’s newest series XDiavel in the action-packed scenes and at the climax of the movie. Title: "Resident Evil: Vendetta" Executive Producer: Takashi Shimizu Director: Takanori Tsujimoto Writer: Makoto Fukami Music: Kenji Kawai Executive Supervisor: Hiroyuki Kobayashi (Capcom) Production Co:Marza Animation Plane |
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Home »Unlabelled » New Resident Evil CGI movie titled Resident Evil: Vendetta
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